UKK/ PAT B. Inggris Kelas 5 dan Kunci Jawaban Th. 2022 - UKK/ PAT B. Inggris Kelas 5 dan Kunci Jawaban. Berikut merupakan Soal Latihan UKK/ PAT SD/ MI mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris/ English Kls V lengkap dengan jawaban yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013/K-13.

Soal ini terdiri dari Soal Pilihan Ganda ( PG ) dan Uraian / Essay, nah berikut ini ditampilkan soal PG nya saja, adapun soal isian dan essay nya disajikan dalam bentuk video.

Bagi teman teman yang membutuhakn naskah filenya, silahkan nanti di download saja dengan mengklik tombol download diakhir tulisan ini.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A,B,C, or D!
1. The shape of the blackboard is ... .
A. rectangle
B. triangle
C. circle
D. cone

2. The shape of ... is oval.
A. ball
B. egg
C. ice cream
D. gift box

3. Fajar : “Can you draw a pyramid?”
Fahmi : “Yes, ... “
A. You can
B. You can’t
C. I can
D. I can’t

4. Mother buy a protractor. Its shape is ....
A. cylinder
B. round
C. circle
D. semi circle

5. A train stops at the ....
A. Railway station
B. Bus station
C. harbour
D. air port

6. My aunt comes back from Lampung. I have pick up her at the air port. She goes back by ...
A. bus
B. plane
C. motor cycle
D. ship

7. The patient was brought to the hospital by ... .
A. boat
B. bicycle
C. ambulance
D. truck

8. These vehicle can fly, except ... .
A. helicopter
B. plane
C. Jet plane
D. car

9. A helicopter will landing on the ... .
A. heli pad
B. harbour
C. railway station
D. bus station

10. I need a dentist. I have a ... .
A. earache
B. toothache
C. headache
D. fever

11. This is used to measure the body temperature. It is ... .
A. stethoscope
B. syringe
C. termometer
D. bandage

12. My brother had flu. He must drink the ... three times.
A. ice tea
B. Ice cream
C. Coffee
D. medicines

13. I receive a letter from a ....
A. post man
B. chef
C. driver
D. police man

14. My father plants rice in the rice field. My father is a ... .
A. architect
B. farmer
C. secretary
D. sailor man

15. Mr.Anwar teaches the students in the classroom. He is a ... .
A. singer
B. doctor
C. teacher
D. reporter

16. She work in an office. Her job is typing the documents. She is a ... .
A. barber man
B. carpenter
C. secretrary
D. fisherman

17. A ... serves the students to borrow books.
A. librarian
B. teacher
C. head master
D. student

18. We can borrow ... in the library.
A. pencil
B. money
C. novel
D. sharpener

19. Abrori :”May I borrow this story book? “
Faisal :”Yes, ... ”
A. You do not
B. You may
C. You can not
D. You may not

20. Farhan : “I want borrow dictionary in the library”
Jamal : “You have to bring...“.
A. Flash card
B. Sim card
C. Credit card
D. Member card

21. Rara :”How is the weather today?”.
Chelsea :”It is ... “
unduh soal pat b inggris kelas 5 k 13
A. rainy
B. cloudy
C. windy
D. foggy

22. The snow falls in the ... .
A. summer
B. winter
C. spring
D. autumn

23. We can play kite outside. The weather is ...
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A. sunny
B. rainy
C. cloudy
D. windy

24. It is rainy outside. We must bring ... .
A. Shirt
B. Skirt
C. T-shirt
D. Umbrella

25. There are ... season in Europe.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

Nah, diatas adalah 25 soal pilihan gandanya, untuk 15 soal isian dan essay berikut dalam bentuk video.

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Demikianlah teman teman tentang postingan Soal Latihan PAT B. Inggris Kls 5 K13 dan Jawaban Th. 2020, Semoga bermanfaat. Sekian dan sukses selalu.